Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Controlling Blood Pressure with Natural Herbs

More and more people with hypertension are turning to natural herbal medicines to lower their blood pressure. The reason? People are sick and tired of the negative side effects of prescription drugs. Natural herbal cures effectively lower blood pressure without any side effects. Which herbs work best for controlling blood pressure?

Hawthorne Berry: This powerful herb keeps plaque from building up on the arterial walls. It also enlarges the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen, blood, and nutrients. The result is a stronger heart that can pump more efficiently.

One of the most comprehensive studies ever done on hawthorne berry involved 1,000 heart failure patients. The study showed that after two years of taking hawthorne berry, the patients saw a drastic reduction in their symptoms and many were able to go off their prescription medications completely.

Dandelion: This unwanted weed is actually an incredibly useful medicinal herb, containing more vitamins and minerals than most vegetables. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that is great for eliminating salt from the body. One of the main reasons people develop hypertension is because of a super-sensitivity to salt. Dandelion not only gets rid of excess salt, but it does so without draining the body of potassium. Even pharmaceutical diuretics can't do that.

Garlic: This highly-prized herb has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Science has recently caught up with ancient wisdom and shown that garlic is full of powerful antioxidents that are great for controlling blood pressure and preventing heart disease. A recent German study examined 280 adults over a four year period. It was found that those who took garlic instead of a placebo had almost 20% less arterial plaque.

The best and easiest way to get the benefits of these and other high blood pressure herbs is to take a multi-herbal vitamin. There are many products available, but it's important to find one that uses high-quality herbal ingredients in sufficient dosages. Too many herbal products are weak and ineffectual.

You don't need pharmaceutical drugs and their side effects. The right kind of natural herbs in proper doses are great for controlling blood pressure. They've worked for many others and they can work for you too!

About the Author

To find out which product contains 3 times more high blood pressure herbs than its competitors, go to natural remedies for high blood pressure.

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